“I’m so excited it’s annual performance review time,” said no one ever!

So why do we put ourselves through this painstaking task each year? Because we must, because there’s a box we need to check, because without a rating employees won’t receive their annual pay increases. 

Well, I encourage you to stop the madness today and throw the ancient performance review process out the window. That’s right, an HR person said to stop the annual review process!

No annual performance review process? But why?

Because the goals and objectives that have been set in January have likely long changed when December finally rolls around. That is, if you can find the paper that the goals have been written on and stashed away in a drawer for the year. 

Overtime, we’ve gotten lost in a task, and we have forgotten the meaning and reasons we give feedback. Believe it or not, employees typically appreciate the feedback (both positive and constructive) – it’s the process that is so gut wrenching.

So, what’s the new way of performance reviews?

What should you do instead? Along with coaching that is hopefully happening on a regular basis, I highly recommend a sit-down process that happens quarterly rather than annually. 

Now you don’t have to get all formal. Make the process comfortable for both you and your employee. Take a walk, go to lunch, have a cup of coffee. Whether you are in person or virtual, ensure that you choose a time and place where you are both free from distractions. 

Focus on key areas for the quarter: What went well? Celebrate! What opportunities were there? Discuss! First, allow for your employee to share their thoughts, next share yours. Then together discuss how you can partner to overcome any opportunities that were discovered. Lastly, set measurable goals together for the next quarter, ensuring what’s agreed upon meets your team and company goals as well. 

Sound easy? It should be! The more that you have these types of conversations the more second nature they become. 

Do you still document what’s discussed? It’s good to always follow up in writing to ensure that you both walk away with the same understanding but again nothing too crazy or formal. 

Not sure where or how to start? Reach out to HR Insights. We can get you started on the right track and assist with ensuring your team’s success! Schedule a meeting here.

You may know exactly what HR solutions you need or you may not know where to begin. Either way, we are here for you!

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